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15 Signs of an Emergency Water Situation in Your Home
People are often the most vigilant about potential emergency water situations, when strong winds and torrential downpours appear in the forecast. Although emergency water services are often needed during these events, the reality is that…
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Clean Water Featured TipsHelp! There’s No Water In My House!
The toilet isn’t flushing. The kitchen sink handle turns, but no water fills the cup. No matter where or when the problem emerges, the sudden discovery of no water in the house often causes fear…
What are the PFAS Health Effects?
Increasingly, Connecticut residents are learning more about PFAS. As governmental organizations, such as the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and many colleges are studying PFAS, the results seemingly indicate many negative health effects. So, as…
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Featured PFAS PFAS Chemicals TipsWhat are PFAs?
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, otherwise known as PFAS, increasingly gain headlines because more studies continually show their negative health impact. But what are PFAS, how do they impact our health and why do we need…
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Clean Water Featured PFASA Brief History of Water Wells
What exactly is a well? Technically speaking, it is a structure created in the ground by digging, drilling, or driving to access groundwater in underground aquifers, or a pocket of water trapped between layers of…
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Clean Water Facts Featured WellsHow Lightning Can Affect Your Water Pump and the Quality of Your Water
Sometimes the last thing we think of is our water pump or effects to water during a lightning storm. The truth is, we have seen cases where lightning has affected both the water quality and…